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Benefits of CBD for Your Pets

Uncategorized Mar 08, 2023

Cannabidiol or CBD is an active compound found in the cannabis plant. It has gained popularity recently for its numerous medicinal benefits for humans. However, did you know that it also has potential benefits for your furry friends?

Here are some benefits of CBD for animals:


  1. Reduces anxiety and stress

    Like humans, animals can also suffer from anxiety and stress. CBD has been shown to have calming effects on animals, reducing their anxiety and stress levels. This makes it a great option for pets with separation anxiety or fear of loud noises like thunder or fireworks.
  2. Pain relief

    CBD can relieve pain caused by arthritis or other chronic conditions. It works by reducing inflammation in the body, which is often the primary cause of chronic pain. Additionally, it can also help ease the discomfort from arthritis, degenerative joint disease, inflammatory bowel disease, injury, or surgery. It can also be applied topically or ingested to help sore muscles before or after exercise.
  3. Improves appetite

    CBD has been shown to stimulate appetite in animals, making it an excellent option for pets that have lost their appetite due to illness or medication. It can also be helpful for older pets that may have difficulty eating. It also is a powerful antiemetic.
  4. Reduces seizures

    CBD's anticonvulsant properties are some of its best-studied uses. It has been shown to reduce the frequency and severity of seizures in animals suffering from epilepsy. It is believed to work by regulating brain activity and reducing inflammation in the brain which can improve epilepsy, spasms, tics, and tremors.
  5. Skin Treatment

    Topical balms, creams, ointments, and sprays are used by people and animals to treat skin issues like acne, psoriasis, eczema, and more.
  6. Cancer Symptom Treatment

    Early-stage studies suggest that CBD may be useful in slowing tumor growth, perhaps even helping to shrink tumors. It can also support pets through the side effects of cancer treatment like nausea, loss of appetite, and pain.
  7. Improves quality of life

    By reducing anxiety and pain, improving appetite, and reducing seizures, CBD can significantly improve the quality of life for animals with various health issues. It can aid in healing and recovery, boost the immune system, and generally support homeostasis throughout the body. This can allow them to enjoy their remaining years with more comfort and happiness.

CBD has many potential benefits for animals, including reducing anxiety and stress, relieving pain, improving appetite, reducing seizures, and improving the overall quality of life. If you are considering CBD for your pet, it is always best to consult a veterinarian first.

We are in the process of adding CBD products to our offerings and would love to hear what you would like to see more of!


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